Found 2 blog entries tagged as Real Estate Brokerage.


By Buddy Kane




Got a call last week from a past client interested in selling one of his properties. Having dealt with him previously, I was well versed in his fly by knight style and approach. Upon fielding his inquiry, I listened with an experienced awareness, knowing what cues to look for that would help me cut through an extended dialogue and boil it down to exactly what it was he wanted from me. What ensued from this point was an opportunity to apply an evolving philosophy I’ve learned the hard way over a longer period of time.

First, some background to provide context. Looking back on my student years, school was not my finest hour, aside from some extra-curriculars. Academics was never a strong suit of…

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The Cloud of Ownership Bias



BREAKING NEWS!!!! Sellers think their property is worth more than it really is. Call it false hope, money already spent, or just plain gorilla math but make no mistake, it lives and breathes. Not exactly a revelation in Real Estate but it does present obvious challenges. What’s more, for every owner out there asking too much, there is a line of agents looking to spin the wheel and gamble on their behalf. In real estate brokerage, this is typically the upheld norm that is needed to make a living. Can’t win if you don’t play. Especially if you’re playing with someone else’s money. For agents, this is normally a fool’s errand and a fast track to making eight dollars an hour, once the…

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