When starting a home search, many buyers often judge a home by looking at the photos online. Or their realtor may suggest doing a drive-by before setting up an appointment to check out the area and location. That's why curb appeal is so important. It is the first impression made upon potential buyers. 

Here are 5 things we recommend you do in the Fall to increase curb appeal. 

  1. Fall Cleanup - Over the summer, the weeds, sure enough, took their toll on your garden beds, and summer plants have flowered and died and dropped their share of vegetation on the mulch. Cleaning the garden beds, weeding all those pesky unwanted plants, and then putting a fresh layer of mulch will make your garden beds stand out and pop.

  1. Power…

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Caveat Emptor – Latin for: “Don’t buy a house right now”


Sage advice indeed. Unless your circumstances warrant it and you’re ok parting with a few extra shekels you may never see again. Not to worry. Prospective buyers in most price ranges have largely backed away from the buffet table at this point. They haven't had much choice in the matter.

The purpose of my rant today.

The tide has turned, kind of…

It’s not a great time to buy or sell. Excluding those under duress without the luxury of a choice, or the ultra-wealthy paying cash.

For most, it hasn’t been the best time to buy for quite a while, but obviously a great time to sell throughout the “Covid-fueled, no inventory” seller’s bonanza we’ve witnessed over the last few…

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There is overwhelming news and media coverage regarding today's real estate market. It seems that, based on most coverage out there, it's both a great time to buy and a great time to sell. Social media is the same narrative, everything is great for everyone. When the world is telling you to have your cake and eat it too, something isn't right. So what is the truth? 

Let's take off the rose colored glasses for a moment and look at the numbers and what's driving them, interest rates. In less than a year, rates went from historic lows in 2021 to 30-year highs today. To illustrate the effect of rates on today's market, let's examine what your mortgage payment will be in three different mortgage scenarios. Fair warning; you will be grossed out

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The following is a transcription of the video above:

Hey, welcome to Whiteboard Wednesdays. I, as always, am Kyle Schrader, this is my friend Jeff Rizer We're here today to dip our toes into the commercial world and talk about the basic formula for commercial real estate valuation, which is the IRV formula: income, rate, and value. So what is it?

So one thing quickly about Seaport is the way we separate ourselves is marketing, research, and valuation. And one of the tools we use is this IRV formula. So with a lot of like uncertainty in the markets, one of the things that I think and what a lot of reports show is that commercial real estate is a great investment, even though interest rates are continuing to rise.

The three-year outlook…

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Finding a home usually starts the same way for everyone; online. You head on over to your home search site of choice, be it Zillow, Realtor.com, Redfin, or any one of the million options out there for you, the consumer. On the face of it, nothing could be more simple; find a house you like, and in a couple of clicks you're in touch with the listing agent of said house and on the road to home ownership. If only it were that simple.

The click you make to contact the agent does more than you think. It most certainly contacts an agent, but more importantly, that click turns you from a home buyer to a product to be bought and sold. That click makes you a lead, and leads are worth big bucks to brokerages, agents, other lead generation companies, and…

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