
And Grow Resourceful

 “Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think…”


All you Einstein’s out there, I know you’ve read it, Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”. It’s a seminal work that has a spot in everyone’s library in some way, shape, or form. This book and others like it are placed in a category that has been referred to as “durable knowledge” that stands the test of time. It imparts a brand of timeless wisdom that validates a sustained presence. This category includes other published works like “How to Win Friends and Influence People” as foundational platforms for us to model as we forge our own style or approach. The fundamentals of any undertaking are a critical starting point that helps…

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There’s No “I” in Team.

But there is a Me…

Witnessing the growing number of attention seekers on social media, it seems as though a lot of this behavior may be driven by the fact that many individual professional identities have become shrouded within “teams” “groups” or “pods”, starving the more delicate personalities of the accolades they feel they’re due. These collective efforts are designed to make their sum greater than its parts, train new members, and ultimately create more velocity for the collaborative. They’re all generally after the same thing, just on different scales. Corporate models often promote larger operations with an abundance of resources and means from which to move the needle effectively and efficiently. This lends…

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New to Market – Formerly known as the McCulloch Horse Farm, 100 Whippoorwill Rd in Old Lyme has been offered up for sale by Seaport Real Estate Services in an Auction proceeding. This method will be administered through an online bidding process that takes place over the course of 30 days. Contrary to a traditional brokerage sale, an Auction approach positions the initial offering price significantly lower than the current fair market value. This incites a heightened level of demand, creates a competitive environment, attracts multiple buyers, and drives the price of the property up rapidly over a pre-determined period of time. All necessary due diligence on behalf of interested buyers is performed prior to the close of Auction. Once the winning bid…

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The Juggling Act. You’re familiar with it. Anyone with a pulse understands what it feels like to be overwhelmed and incapable of completing anything close to what they think they wanted originally. We usually don’t recognize what’s happening until we’re running in quicksand, snapping at those around us, and exercising a modest level of road rage. In the Real Estate industry, it’s usually incited by a constant barrage of new apps, tools, techniques, and initiatives designed to make you better than you are now, or your money back!!! Guaranteed!!! 

This manifests itself in an endless stream of emails, phone calls, and endorsements of new products, services, and loan programs designed to keep you ahead of the competition. What they really do is take…

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The Closer – A combination of experience, expertise, and a Driver personality that relishes the opportunity to wield it aggressively over clients, other agents, as well as the rest of the market in which they choose to contract business. As they should, being a Master of the Universe. This is the Alpha Agent that has paid their dues and established a supreme network of high net-worth individuals from which to drive obscene levels of commission revenue. Their name and identity are synonymous with the high-end market of irrational buyers and sellers that simply want what they want completely independent of any relationship to Value. This brand of Agent is rare and takes a substantial amount of focused time and effort to build unless one is already…

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