Easter Sunday – 4/12/20 

I noticed this sign on a front lawn Easter Sunday afternoon. It caught my attention, such that I pulled over and took a picture of it to illustrate the message it inspires in these words. When I arrived at my parent’s house, I went straight for the bookcase and lifted my father’s copy of the “The Greatest Generation”, by Tom Brokaw. It was the first thing that came to mind from this image. In light of current circumstances, World War II and Depression Era sentiments would certainly provide a strong dose of meaningful perspective, the likes of which we are unfamiliar. The insights in this book embrace the very essence of the spirit we can reference right now. The level of sacrifice and selfless courage conveyed on its pages…

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Essentials & Basics of the Good Life… 

Anybody out there remember rotary dial phones? How about dial-up internet and AOL’s patented “you’ve got mail” notification as you logged on? For those of us north of 40 years young, we recall a time when we had direct access to far less. No high speed anything. No smart phones. No cell phones at all! Less immediate Entertainment, Stimulation and instant Muse. And we liked it!! That’s right I’m going old-timer on you. Not that I have any right to whatsoever. I do not. But I do remember a time when there was less distraction, noise or what is now commonly experienced as Diffusion. In so many ways we’re “checked out” as a population, fixated on our screens. This is not news. Focused on material rewards, most of…

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Here we are furloughed in quarantine, heretofore unseen. Feels like we’re on the set of a sci-fi movie, wondering how and when this story is resolved. At some point the protagonist swoops down and saves the day just as things take a turn for the worst. If we are to stay on script, we’re rapidly approaching the moment when we need the hero to enter stage left. So, where are they? 

Ever notice, award winning movies are often the ones that leave us without any emotional rescue? No happy ending or 11th hour mission that rights all wrongs and puts the villain in his place. Some of us even root for the villain. Why is this? These movies present themselves as realistic. They feel authentic and believable. Films that come across as glib and overly-scripted…

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