Found 4 blog entries tagged as Real estate blog.


By Buddy Kane


 Who’s there?

Buyers. Lots of ‘em. More than there are Sellers, by a long shot. This isn’t news, but it’s gotten to the point that many agents are revisiting age old door knocking techniques used in the past to bring in new business. The agents I’ve spoken with are having a fair amount of success using this approach. To me, the idea of knocking on some one’s front door in the Covid era congers images of Carl Hanratty played by Tom Hanks in the movie Catch Me If You Can, responding with an abrupt “Go F@#$! Yaself”, slamming the door in my face.  

My experience in drumming up new listings has been on the phone. The idea of cold calling expired, and cancelled listings usually made other agent’s cringe.…

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The Lost Art of Losing 




I find it difficult to pass up the occasional viewing of Major League when its on TV. Bob Uecker on the calls, Jack Daniels infused candor. Classic. On this note, I just checked the box scores from the NHL and the NFL. Both my teams in their respective leagues are dead last in the standings. In a strange way I’m ok with it. Makes me love ‘em more. Especially when they’re in the tank. There’s something to be said for having nothing to lose. Freedom to swing for the cheap seats without a rational care in the world.

Any sports fan would love to see their team in first place all the time but obviously this isn’t realistic, even for franchises with payrolls large enough to fund a small…

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By Buddy Kane


9:58 am EST

 Just had an appointment cancel last minute. Was halfway there. Had to turn around, drive back home and return to doing what I really wanted to do in the first place. It was awful, I think. It’s the third time this agent has cancelled or rescheduled in the last week. After blaming her clients and throwing them under the bus, she apologized for the inconvenience. I graciously conveyed my understanding and let her know that these things are disappointing, but they happen. Little did she know, she had unknowingly put my entire morning back on track and freed me up to do other things, like write these words.

Somewhere, somehow, the idea of a cancellation for anything has typically held a…

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9:58 am EST

Just had an appointment canceled last minute. Was halfway there. Had to turn around, drive back home and return to doing what I really wanted to do in the first place. It was awful, I think. It’s the third time this agent has canceled or rescheduled in the last week. After blaming her clients and throwing them under the bus, she apologized for the inconvenience. I graciously conveyed my understanding and let her know that these things are disappointing, but they happen. Little did she know, she had unknowingly put my entire morning back on track and freed me up to do other things, like write these words.

Somewhere, somehow, the idea of a cancellation for anything has typically held a negative reference. Personally, I find this amusing…

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