Found 3 blog entries tagged as Thoughts.

English majors in college are commonly put through a curriculum that requires reading some of the world’s classic novels and discerning what makes them so. One measure of a great novel is that the reader can see the entirety of the narrative in its first pages. The theme, tone and structure of the early pages of the book foreshadow what is to come. Simply stated, every part of the book leads to the whole and you can absorb this message from every part. Imagine if that were the case right now? We would think in ‘stories’ and write our own.  

Congress is unveiling a proposal that would give most Americans a monthly payment of $2,000 until the coronavirus pandemic begins to fade. This is profoundly necessary relief for those of us who cannot safely…

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Black Swan Event · This Time Is Different · The New Normal is Not Normal · Time To Rethink Your Career · This Is What Happens When Change Happens · 30 Million Americans Are Unemployed in 6 Weeks · How To Do Business From Home · Why Fi ? · Our Country Is In A Leadership Vacuum · The Stock Market Is Disconnected From Reality · Become The Best At Serving Your Sphere of Influence · Just Do Something · Circumstances + Attitude = Outcome · Awaken Possibilities Again · Resist The Urge To Do Nothing · Now Is The Chance You’ve Always Wanted · Strike While The Iron Is Cold · The New Normal Is Not New Or Normal · What To Do With What Is Left · Now Your Job Is To Live Out Your Greatest Potential · Growth Is Still There, It’s Just Not In The Same Places As Before…

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Here we are furloughed in quarantine, heretofore unseen. Feels like we’re on the set of a sci-fi movie, wondering how and when this story is resolved. At some point the protagonist swoops down and saves the day just as things take a turn for the worst. If we are to stay on script, we’re rapidly approaching the moment when we need the hero to enter stage left. So, where are they? 

Ever notice, award winning movies are often the ones that leave us without any emotional rescue? No happy ending or 11th hour mission that rights all wrongs and puts the villain in his place. Some of us even root for the villain. Why is this? These movies present themselves as realistic. They feel authentic and believable. Films that come across as glib and overly-scripted…

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