In an information age that floods society with excessive content, our focus tends to be diverted to less-tangible distractions, rather than the essential components of a sound game plan. As a result, our level of awareness can become clouded, compromising our ability to execute informed decisions when it comes to the purchase and sale of real estate. In an industry largely predicated upon “marketing”, we are left without concrete reasoning from which to discern the most productive path forward. Ultimately, we are left without the means to implement a calculated strategy that transcends “Sales” or being “Sold”. Add to this, a fiercely competitive playing field largely incentivized by a commission-based pay structure, it becomes easier to see how the client’s best interests are routinely overlooked. What if you were presented with precise data that would allow you to make educated decisions and grow a stronger understanding of a process tailored to your needs? 

Welcome to "The Market"



There is overwhelming news and media coverage regarding today's real estate market. It seems that, based on most coverage out there, it's both a great time to buy and a great time to sell. Social media is the same narrative, everything is great for everyone. When the world is telling you to have your cake and eat it too, something isn't right. So what is the truth? 

Let's take off the rose colored glasses for a moment and look at the numbers and what's driving them, interest rates. In less than a year, rates went from historic lows in 2021 to 30-year highs today. To illustrate the effect of rates on today's market, let's examine what your mortgage payment will be in three different mortgage scenarios. Fair warning; you will be grossed out

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Simply stated, a Mill Rate is the adjustable measure that calculates how much the tax man collects from you on an annual basis. The concept itself is easily understood.

However, more insight is necessary to identify and understand the underlying, and often unforeseen market forces that can drive YOUR Mill Rate up or down, saving or costing you more money in taxes, depending upon where you choose to buy a home.

Note that each town imposes a different mill rate depending upon that town's grand list and how much revenue they must generate to cover their yearly costs. 

“A mill rate is equal to $1 in taxes for every $1,000 in assessed value. To calculate your tax based on your mill rate, divide your assessed value by 1,000 and multiply the…

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Unlike the stock market, where most people understand and accept the risk that prices may fall, most people who buy a house don't ever think that the value of their home will ever decrease.

The housing market, like other assets, is susceptible to unsustainable gains, and bubbles are formed over time even though many people feel it is a sure bet for growth.  That's because of the large transaction costs associated with purchasing a home, not to mention the carrying costs of owning and maintaining a home discourage speculative behavior. However, housing markets do go through periods of irrational exuberance.

This article will help to explain real estate cycles, triggers that cause them, and why consumers should be cognizant of the forces at play…

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Recent market data tells the real story

Local news sources have been reporting on the positive impact of interstate migration funneling new residents into CT as a distancing measure related to Covid-19. With interest piqued by these developments, we did some research as an attempt to measure the benefits of this peripheral good fortune. What we found is not exactly in alignment with local reporting. 

Channel 3 WFSB 

CT Post


The Hartford Courant

While it is encouraging to see an influx of newcomers take residence within the nutmeg state, it’s important to note the number of residents currently leaving the state still outnumbers those coming in at this time, rendering an effective net loss in the state’s population and its…

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Black Swan Event · This Time Is Different · The New Normal is Not Normal · Time To Rethink Your Career · This Is What Happens When Change Happens · 30 Million Americans Are Unemployed in 6 Weeks · How To Do Business From Home · Why Fi ? · Our Country Is In A Leadership Vacuum · The Stock Market Is Disconnected From Reality · Become The Best At Serving Your Sphere of Influence · Just Do Something · Circumstances + Attitude = Outcome · Awaken Possibilities Again · Resist The Urge To Do Nothing · Now Is The Chance You’ve Always Wanted · Strike While The Iron Is Cold · The New Normal Is Not New Or Normal · What To Do With What Is Left · Now Your Job Is To Live Out Your Greatest Potential · Growth Is Still There, It’s Just Not In The Same Places As Before…

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Easter Sunday – 4/12/20 

I noticed this sign on a front lawn Easter Sunday afternoon. It caught my attention, such that I pulled over and took a picture of it to illustrate the message it inspires in these words. When I arrived at my parent’s house, I went straight for the bookcase and lifted my father’s copy of the “The Greatest Generation”, by Tom Brokaw. It was the first thing that came to mind from this image. In light of current circumstances, World War II and Depression Era sentiments would certainly provide a strong dose of meaningful perspective, the likes of which we are unfamiliar. The insights in this book embrace the very essence of the spirit we can reference right now. The level of sacrifice and selfless courage conveyed on its pages…

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Written by Jon Nelson

THE REAL ESTATE CYCLE - Barring any special circumstances, every home, neighborhood, city, town and state is subject to the inevitable influence of the Real Estate Cycle. Independent of any external pressures, the stages of this ever-changing sequence have been the source of much unnecessary financial and economic strife and leave a permanent mark on homeowners and the municipalities they populate.

If a certain locale is not growing, it may very well be declining. This is a dynamic pattern that can and will impact the indirect and sometimes unforeseeable consequences of consumers unknowingly purchasing ‘too much home’ for their budget. The ripple effects of this are far-reaching and can often accelerate the decline of a…

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